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N*Stjernens Kristina

Breeding female, w63

Our queen Kristina, or Kiki how we call her, is my personal dream cat. I chose her as a baby, with closed eyes and asked Anita, her breeder, if there is a possibility to have different eye colors. She told me, her parents and almost all of her lines have had green eyes, so not much probable. But, as I have allways dremt of a white female with odd eyes, she started to change her eyes from blue to golden, but only one changed and one remained crystal blue :) 

PT*Vevelstad Unchained Melody

Youngster, ns24

Melody on the other hand has fullfilled my silver dream cat. She is amazingly strong builded, with gorgeous chin and profile. She is also the most cuddly cat I have ever seen :) Melody will be our future breeding female, when the right time comes.

NO*Draugrheimens Ala

Youngster, w64

Ala is the third-born female from our first litter, daughter of Kristina and Natan. She was the special one, right from the birth, so I just couldn`t give her away, she had to stay :) She will be living as a hostcat by my mother in Slovakia.

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